Verify Device is Activation Capable
Please enter the Device IMEI number
The device IMEI which was entered is eligible for activation
The device IMEI which was entered is not eligible for activation. Please visit the Verizon OD Showcase ( where you can search the manufacturer and device model of the device which you are trying to activate. If the device is not present in the OD Showcase then it is likely that the device is not Verizon Open Development certified and cannot be activated. Otherwise, please reach out to the device manufacturer to ensure they have entered the device IMEI properly into the Verizon systems.
The value you entered does not meet the character type or length requirements for an IMEI. Please ensure that you enter a valid IMEI number. (Should be a 15 digit number)
Verify SIM card is compatible with the device
Please enter the ICCID of your SIM Card
The ICCID you entered appears to be compatible with your device. Based on your SIM IMSI range for the ICCID which was entered, the LTE Category for this device is strCatMsg . If this does not match the correct category of your device, please ensure that you use one of the compatible SIM SKUs listed in the table matrix below. You can reach out to your Verizon Account representative, a SIM Distributor, or SIM vendor to obtain a compatible SIM for your device. You may also purchase compatible SIM cards for your device via ThingSpace Manage or the IoT Marketplace (
If you are not sure about the LTE Category of your device, you can check by visiting the Verizon OD Showcase (, where you can search the manufacturer and device model of the device which you are trying to activate.
The ICCID which was entered is not compatible with this device. Please ensure that you use one of the compatible SIM SKUs listed below. You can reach out to your Verizon Account representative, a SIM Distributor, or SIM vendor to obtain a compatible SIM for your device. You may also purchase compatible SIM cards for your device via ThingSpace Manage or the IoT Marketplace (
The value you entered does not meet the character type or length requirements for an ICCID. Please ensure that you enter a valid ICCID number. (Should be a 20 digit number)